Monday, November 26, 2007

What a Finish!

Praise the Lord with me! We had a wonderful gathering with our people here in Patna. This is a new mission outreach for the Bihar BIC. The bulk of the work for this conference is in North Bihar. They began a mission outreach in the State Capital of Patna some two years ago. They are working with several different people groups and primarily with young adults.

We met in a rented hall within a Catholic Retreat Center. It was nice and gave ample space for the people to gather. On a regular work day, some 100 people gathered for this opportunity. Many had left the opportunity for work and other "normal" responsibilities to join with this time of worship and instruction.

We began at 10:30 a.m. and went to 1:30 p.m. with the service. Then we were treated to a very nice meal by the Retreat Center. I am now in an area where my own language of Hindi is the predominant language. I had a great time talking in Hindi at the beginning of the time for giving a message.

Three of us spoke and we also heard testimonies from two people from those working in Patna. We heard as well from two people who shared the strategy that is being used in these days to reach out to the 50,000 villages of Bihar. Of these, 45,000 are still unreached. They are working from the major cities of Bihar to press out into the rural areas.

Rejoice with us for the work that is being done at this time. Later this evening we will board our train for Delhi. God is good.

Blessings, Ken

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Home to Bihar

It has been good to travel. Today we finally made the transition into Bihar. Each place we visit is very special. It is good for me to be back in the Indian state of my childhood, Bihar. We have such a good time as I talk with people in Hindi. I received a nice compliment today from a person who said my Hindi was "clean." He used the Hindi word, but it mainly just means that I still have the ability to communicate. I am so grateful.

Bihar is know as an unruly state. The first stop after we passed the border it seemed the issues on the train changed and voices were louder than what they had been up until then. Maybe it is just a perception thing, but it seems it happens again and again. Yet this is still my state.

We will be with the church planting work here in Patna tomorrow. This is the city of my brother's birth. It is exciting today for the church that is being birthed in this place. The bulk of the people who are responding are under thirty. We are looking to meet with a group of some 100 people tomorrow.

Anil Bara is the pastor of this work. There are now seven worship centers in the city within about a thirty kilometer radius. We are renting a Roman Catholic Center tomorrow to hold our meetings with these dear people.

I will likely post again, but the trip is almost over. Tomorrow evening we get on a train for New Delhi, arriving on the morning of the 27th. I put the team on a plane to return that evening. Carol and I will stay for two additional days and look to return to the States the morning of the 30th.

Thanks for your support and prayers. Blessings to all who find time to read these posts! Ken

Friday, November 23, 2007

Finishing Up and Moving On

We had another wonderful day in Orissa and West Bengal. Our driving time to our destination was not as great, but the day was full. We went to an outreach point in the neighboring State of West Bengal. We met wonderful people and were able to encourage one another in our daily walk.

It is very encouraging to see the way that the Orissa BIC are pushing out to reach new people groups. They are actively working an outreach plan that is opening new areas to the message of the Gospel. Pray for them even as they pray for us.

We returned to the hotel around 9:00 p.m. and then had a wonderful meal together before retiring for a few hours rest. At 1:00 a.m. we are up and at it again heading for the Railroad Station and our 1:45 a.m. train to take us into ministry areas of the Bihar BIC. We found our train births and settled in for a few more hours of rest. 5:30 a.m. we arrived at our destination and again made our way to a hotel.

Today we are going to explore a brand new outreach work known as the Tata Project. We are to be involved in a seekers meeting. Pray with us for this new work and the encouragement of the workers here in Jharkhand.

Thank-you for your prayers sand support. You may be seeing something on your news about a series of bomb blasts here in India. We have not been touched by this violence. All has gone very well for us through out this time of travel and exploration.

Blessings, Ken

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Weary Bones and Flying Spirits

We are now in northern Orissa. A six hour drive brought us to a small village where there is a church planting less than two years old. It became the sight where we gathered with others for a Prayer Conference. They had begun in the morning and would continue through the day into the night. We were only with them for about two hours.

There likely were over 500 people gathered. Singing, a message from the word, words of exhortation, and the dedication of an extension on their worship shelter were all part of our time in this village. The most humbling aspect of this time with people were there greetings to us. They bent or kneel to the ground and touch both of your feet, and then touch their own chest and head. It is a gesture that says I honor you from my heart to my head. It is just very uncomfortable when a long line of people all are giving you the same greeting. For me it was a pleasure to lay a hand on their head or shoulder and to return the blessing.

We then went on to the SPICE hostel in this norther part of Orissa. There we were given our "noon meal" at 3:00 p.m. For us this was Thanksgiving Day as celebrated in the States. It was interesting to hear the comments about what was to be consumed back in the homes of the various PVT participants. We then were treated to a program by the SPICE hostel children.

One of the really nice things that happens with the Scholarship Program for International Children's Education is that each year there is an opportunity to give a little extra for a special Christmas Gift. This money had been distributed and the hostels already had the gifts on hand - a blanket and a sweater - and guess who had the great opportunity to hand these out to the hostel children. Your right, the PVT Team. The children were delighted! Thanks to all who make this sponsorship program a reality.

Well then it was another two hours in the car to come to our hotel for tonight and tomorrow night. It is good to get here and to be able to settle in to this new abode.

Tomorrow we move on to the border of Orissa and West Bengal. It should be another good day.

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving, have a great day!

Blessings to you, Ken

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

God's Wonderful Angel

I just want to thank the Lord for an experience from last evening. We had had a great day at the Round Table and I was coming home from the meeting with Bijoy on his scooter. We stopped at an ATM to do some business, as I do each day while on these trips, and then continued on home.

When we arrived back at our guest house he dropped me off and I joined the others on our team for a time of reflection on the events of the day. It was around 10:00 p.m. when we began and we went to around 11:15 p.m. It has been very good to interact with one another. We are learning many things and greatly appreciating our new friends.

I went to my room and changed clothes and sat down to do some work. It was close to midnight when I opened my back pack to pull out a small green bag that I usually carry with me. It wasn't there! I quickly thought back and realized I must have left it at the ATM.

My Indian friends were asleep as were most of the others on our team. I made my way downstairs to awaken the men who stay at this guest house through the night, explained my situation, and before long we were on a motorcycle to return to the ATM. This was now two hours since I was last here.

When we pulled up I could see that my bag was not there. My passport and visa, my camera, a good amount of cash, and several other things were all in this bag. We went into the ATM and looked around but to no avail.

As we opened the door to step out a man approached me. He asked me if I was looking for something and I replied yes and described the bag. He called to another man and said bring it here. There in the hands of this man was my green bag. The man explained that he had entered the ATM after me and found my bag. He had waited for two hours for me to return. I am not aware that he had seen me in person, but he new the owner of the bag would return.

He told me to check to see if everything was still in the bag. I could see that it was and did not check further, except to open my money carrier to be able to give this man a finders fee. It was totally my choice. he did not ask for anything in order to return it to me. I choose to give him a gift of thanks.

In the midst of all that happened at midnight I failed to ask him his name. All I know is that God had placed a guardian angel at the ATM to care for my belongings during this most unexpected occurrence. I am so grateful for the Lord's provision.

My Indian friend was very surprised. He said, I have never seen anything like this happen before! Praise God with me for his watch care over us.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Contextualizing the Gospel

The celebration on Sunday continued into the evening. Things had gone so long for the daytime program that the evening program was delayed by a full hour. We then began a "Cultural Program."

The evening program included singing, dance, and drama. In the midst of all that was presented we also heard the Gospel of Jesus. It was wonderful to see how they have taken the message of Jesus and put it into a form that will communicate well with this culture and society. We were challenged by the impact these presentations are having as they take them out into the various places of their outreach.

We didn't finish the evening program until around 10:00 p.m. and then the evening meal was served. It all seemed very "normal" for our friends here. Several of us wondered if we could pull off this type of schedule back home.

Today we have begun a meeting of leaders from three regions of work here in South Asia. We call the gathering a Round Table. It is very good to hear from each of the leaders about the work in their respective region. Following presentation and opportunity for discussion we then have a time of prayer for that region. The first report was very encouraging. Please3 continue to pray for the believers in this part of the world.

Everyone is well. Great conversations are taking place. Pray that we will all be challenged and encouraged for the work the Lord has given to each one of us in our respective areas.

Blessings, Ken

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dedication in Cuttack

We have celebrated with the Church in Orissa and particularly Cuttack today. There were two dedications. The first of a remodeled training center and the second of the third floor gathering place for the Bethel congregation of the BIC.

The place was packed. There were three guests from Bihar and Nepal respectively. The local bishop of the CNI Church diocese was present as well as two baptist pastors, and many brothers and sisters within the local BIC family. They have literally been working night and day to finish preparations for this day.

There are many stories of persecution from the church in Orissa. There are also many stories of the mighty hand of God at work in and through the people here. It was wonderful to celebrate today with our brothers and sisters in a great time of accomplishment.

The PV team are all doing well. Yesterday we explored Cuttack and went shopping with Manjula Roul. We all had a good time.

Tomorrow we begin a meeting that we call a Regional Round Table. The leaders of the three regions; Bihar, Nepal and Orissa, gather for this time of discussion and sharing around the work that is happening. Pray with us that we may be encouraged and that we will all press on with the work the Lord has given to us.

Blessings to you from Orissa! Ken

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Touched by God's Handiwork and People

We left at 6:30 a.m. to journey to the top of the ridge of mountains immediately around Kathmandu. It is a winding road with many switchbacks. Here as on the trip to Agra there were many people sharing the road. The main difference was that it was a narrow two-way road on the side of a mountain. The higher we went the more aware we became of the fall-off at the side of the road.

At the same time we were struck again and again by the beauty of God's creation. The terraced farming, the beauty of mustard plants in bloom, the gorgeous conifer trees as we went higher and higher. All of this was a sight to behold. We hoped to see the snow capped peaks that are to the north, but that was not to be part of the journey today. Instead we saw majestic fog move in and out of the area. Seeing the beauty of an area and then having it all covered out of view. Regardless it was a great journey.

We returned and had time to get cleaned up before our 12:30 lunch. We had a Nepali Thali. Basically this is a wonderful meal with about seven different dishes. Small amounts of each of the dishes are served to each person. You ate these with a generous serving of rice.

At 2:00 p.m. leaders of a work among Tibetans here in Nepal came to share with us. The leader of the ministry we partner with in Nepal also came. We spent about two hours with each other asking questions and hearing of the work of God in this part of the world. I was deeply challenged as I heard of their love for Jesus and their commitment to the work God has given them. Pray for Bimal and Tilak and the work they are doing. We heard of one account after another of the way in which God is continuing to work.

I then was given the schedule for the remainder of our time in Nepal. We will spend the next four days hearing more of what God is doing here. Pray for God's work to flourish as people are faithful in what God asks them to do. Let this be our reality wherever we live.

Beginning Our Time in Nepal

Flying out of Delhi and heading north east we arrived in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. It is a beautiful city set in a valley with mountains all around. It likely is actually a high plateau.

We arrived and were met by Bijoy R and people from our hotel. They were glad to see us as we were glad to see them. After loading up our luggage and all of us into a small bus we headed out for our hotel. This is at least my fourth year in coming here to this hotel. It is wonderful to come to a place where you know people and where you are known.

We spent some time exploring the Old City of Kathmandu in the early evening and then the small side streets where there were many bead sellers. It seems that in every city we have visited we find that certain products are sold in a given area. You move on and find the next series of shops for another product. When people are looking for a given item they can go to an area of the city and find many choices in the shops for that item.

There is such a hustle and bustle in the movement of people and vehicles as everyone is doing their best to accomplish the things before them. Again and again we have been impressed by the activity and diligence of the people we see.

We returned to our hotel for an 8:00 p.m. supper and then we were off to bed. It had been a great day.!

Exploring Agra and Delhi

There are three cities in India that form their "Golden Triangle" - Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. We explored two of the three. It is 124 miles to Agra, but it takes four hours to get there if you leave early and miss the traffic. We left at 6:00 a.m.

The sights and sounds of the road are amazing. We were on a four lane highway that was being shared by trucks, buses, cars, vans, ox carts, camel drawn carts, horse drawn carts, people on bicycles, motorbikes and scooters, and on foot, and perhaps some more means of transport. We all made our way on this road to our various points of destination. It is quite an experience!

On arrival in Agra we took time to see two of the great mausoleums of this city. The Mogul rulers spent a great deal of time on the places where their bodies would lay in repose following their death. It made us ask the question as to how much time we as a people prepare for our eternal destiny. We are so grateful for all Jesus has provided for life here and now and life after death as we trust him with our lives.

The next day we went to Old Delhi. While new Delhi is a well planned city with broad streets and many trees, Old Delhi is a maze of small streets in which a person could easily get lost. We road in a taxi for as far as we could go and then transferred to bicycle rickshaws for the remainder of the tour. After going to a large Mosque we were given a ride through the marget. One person on our group said he wqas going to stick close to ther rest of us, following that experience. I saw another one of our group in the lead richshaw look back to be sure others were following when his driver made a turn in the maze of streets.

If you ever get to Delhi, you should make a trip into Old Delhi part of your experience!

By evening the last two people to join this adventure arrived in India. I met them at the airport. Tomorrow it is on to Nepal.

First Days in India

It has been great to be back in India. Our flight went very well. It took us a while to get things accomplished at the airport, but once we had all in hand we headed out in two taxis into the Delhi traffic.

It is rather surprising how many people are out on the roads at 10:00 at night. We found ourselves in several traffic jams. For first timers in India the car ride to the hotel was something to take your breath away. You always wonder how the vehicles don't crash when you make five or six lanes of traffic in an area where the road says there should be three.

It was good to be able to travel in the city and see things that helped people come to understand a little of this country that we had come to see.

We are grateful for being here and for all the Lord will allow us to do.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Journey Begins

I often invite people to join us on a PVT with "welcome to an adventure." The adventure is just about ready to commence. Our first group leaves for India and Nepal on November 1. Thank-you for your prayers for us as we travel.

We received an exciting word today about the country of Nepal. They are in the midst of a time of seeking to form a constitutional government in the place of the monarchy. Recently it has been tense within the country. Today we received word that all sides have called for an end to strikes for the first weeks of November. It is a time of religious holidays. People have agreed. It happens to coincide with the time we need to be in the country!

You may also want to follow my friend John's blog for these weeks. It can be found at John and Kathy's Blog

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

PVT to Orissa and Bihar

Nov 12 – 27, 2007

Nov 12 flight from Newark, NJ – Con 82

Nov 13 Arrive in Delhi

Nov 14 Acclimatization to the Country

Nov 15 Trip to Agra

Nov 16/17 Flight to Orrisa morning of the 16th – Arr. Cuttack – Rest

Nov 18th BIC Church Dedication Service at Cuttack 10.00 am

Nov 19th & 20th Round Table Conference at Cuttack.

Nov 21st Lv. Ctc to Adapal Church at 7 am which is 6 hrs trip. (Program at Adapal Church – 11 am to 2 pm and Fellowship lunch, (Overnight stay at Baripada)

Nov 22nd Lv. Baripada around 7 am to Khuard & West Bengal visit (Program).

Back to Balasore and stay overnight.

Nov 23rd Lv. Balasore to Catch the train to go to Tata.

Nov 24th Arr. Tata (Program at Tata 10 am to 4 pm), 8 pm lv. for Patna by train.

Nov 25th Arr. Patna 10 am: Church Service and visit church planting areas.

Nov 26th Lv. Patna to New Delhi by Rajdhani Express – 9.40 pm

Nov 27th Arr. New Delhi – 10.00 am – final events in Delhi

Departure for home in the evening – Con 83

PVT to India and Nepal

November 1 – 13, 2007

Nov 1, 2007 (Thurs) Departure from Newark, NJ – Con 82

Nov 2, 2007 (Fri) Arrival in India – to lodging

Nov 3 -5 Exploring India and adjusting to the culture

Nov 5, 2007 (Mon) John and Kathy Brubaker arrive in Delhi

Nov 6, 2007 (Tues) Flight to Kathmandu, Nepal - AM, visit Kathmandu

Nov 7, 2007 (Wed) Visit Nagarkot & near by area & Back to Kathamandu. Contact with Tibetan ministry leaders.

Nov 8, 2007 (Thurs) Kathmandu to Biratnagar 10.00 a.m.

Nov 9, 2007 (Fri) Visit Church Planting villages: new area near Biratnagar.

And Hostel dedication program.

Nov 10, 2007 ( Sat) Church worship and visit church planting areas.

Nov 11, 2007 ( Sun) Lv. Biratnagar to Siliguri. Invite the two Bhutanese church planters to Siliguri at the Hotel we stayed last time.

Nov 12, 2007 (Mon) Lv. Bugdogra to New Delhi Airport

Nov 13, 2007 (Tues) Last day in India

Lv. New Delhi to USA – Con 83

Second PVT arrives in New Delhi on Nov 13 at 9:20 p.m.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Blessings Received

I am just completing a week of services at Messiah Village. Each spring they have a series of services for spiritual renewal. It was a great opportunity to share the Word with a group of seniors. I found it interesting to work at making the challenge appropriate to the age of the audience. The reality is that we are all living longer and longer and the application of the truths of God's Word are just as relevant for our senior years as they are for our younger years. It is good to be with a group of people who are pressing on after God.

I also found it very special to spend time with the same group of people over a week of preaching. In the midst of the week we met up in several different settings. This kind of meeting doesn't really happen when I just preach in one setting for one service and then am on to the next place.

Thank-you Father for the experience of sharing the journey with your children.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hearing God in Africa

Hearing God in Africa

Follow my good friend, Nathan Yoder, as he travels to Africa in the next few weeks.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Dad's 90th Birthday

It was great to celebrate with Dad (Bill Hoke) on the day before his birthday and then again on his birthday. Anita, my sister, had been home a week or two ago but he had opportunity to talk with her on the phone just when we were ready to sit down for a meal on his 90th birthday. I thank the Lord for the wonderful gift Dad has been to us as a family and to so many others.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Anna Mentzer

I just received word that a dear friend of mine went home to be with the Lord. Anna was a faithful member of the Carlisle Brethren in Christ Church and was active through out her 100 plus years of life. She had a wonderful smile and was always so supportive. I thank God for her and pray that her influence will continue on her children and heirs.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Bridge to Nepal Team

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Building the Wall

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Making the Adjustment

We arrived home safely yesterday, Mar 3. the flight went well and we arrived at Newark a half hour earlier than expected. All luggage was collected and we were on our way.

One of our people hand-carried a Nepali broom home with them. Unfortunately immigration saw it as having some living spores on it and it was confiscated. Following this we met our two drivers who brought us back to Hummelstown, PA where families were waiting to greet us all.

This trip was unique in that to my knowledge it was one of the first work team projects that we have had in the south Asia area, and that it was totally coordinated by the local partners. They planned for our involvement and had laid out all of the plans for the development of the SPICE hostel. Most construction in that part of the world begin construction by building a parimeter wall. This was what we were able to assist in with them.

The other thing that this group did more than many others was to spend quite a bit of time directly with the students in the Hostel. They came prepared to lead in several activities with the children. There was instruction in knitting (Particularly meaningful to me since my Mom used to teach hostel kids how to knit); a singing class where guests learned songs from the children and vise versa; and a great time of learning and playing some new games.

It was different being in Nepal during the time of a bundh (general strike). Fortunately it did not impact us very much. One activity had to be cancelled, but otherwise it only impacted our ground transportation. We did a lot of walking and riding rickshaws. There was a parade of nine rickshaws that took us to the airport. On arrival we were picked up by a bus from the Xenial Hotel.

While in Biratnagar

It is great to be able to write this evening (Feb 26). We have one computer here at the hotel and I have given others the opportunity to get on and write, but tonight I will try to write a little .

We have had a great time here. The worship with the church was wonderful. The hostel children shared a great program with us and we have been out at the work site two days to actually work there. We are constructing the boundary wall around the site. It will be a great place once it is all finished. Many thanks to all of those who made contributions to SPICE so that all of this could happen.

We have a little sickness for one or two on the team, but overall we have remained healthy.
On the site we are working right alongside of the regular workers. The main work team is from Jokbuny an Indian city just four kilometers away. It has taken them a little time to adjust to the fact that we are actually here to work. The first day the one brick layer told me it was an embarrassment for him, to have me serving him. I told him not to worry and we are all moving along together.

Today we had the opportunity to use a local system to move water from one part of a ditch to another, after building a small dam, so that we could get the area where the bridge to the property will be located dried out. It was a fun experience. I have seen many people use the system with a kerosene can tied with ropes so that you can move water; today I actually was able to do it.

People are glad for what all is happening and we have many local people coming to watch day to day. Carol and I are really pleased with the people we are leading in this work trip.

Some of you may have heard that the "bundh" or closer strike has started again. Today shops were closed and there were only rickshaws and motorbikes on the road. It was strangely quiet. It has only effected us in not being able to get transportation to go to Karsiya.

Thank-you for your prayers. Our time is quickly flying away.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

What a time!

We are back in Delhi. It was a wonderful week in Nepal! Again and again the Lord opened doors for us to work and be involved with the things we had gone to Nepal to do. Truly God is good.

While we were there we were able to assist the local workers in making 80% of the boundary wall up to the three foot level. This was on top of the foundation that at placers was three feet or more in order to have a truly level ground surface when it was all completed.

People came and watched and asked many questions to see if they could figure our why these white people were working on this project. We became good friends with our Nepali hosts and with the workers who were hired to do the work. It was difficult to say good-bye at the end of our workday yesterday.

We also had great times with the children of the SPICE hostel. Perhaps the highlight was when they all walked out to the new site and saw what was happening for the first time. They laughed and sang and played games. We also provided a snack for all of them.

All of these things happened in the midst of Biratnagar moving into a Strike or Bundh mode. All traffic was stopped except for rickshaws and motorbikes. One day the only thing that was moving were rickshaws. This morning we actually went to the airport by rickshaw. Regardless all that was planned for the site worked out very well. The bundh did affect our being able to travel to Karsia, but instead we just spent more time at the work site and with the children.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Greetings from Nepal

What a few days we have had! All is going so well. thank-you for your prayers for us as a team.

Our flight to India went well. We arrived in a little more than twelve hours. Our bus driver wasn't there immediately to pick us up, but we worked that out and then made our way to the YMCA International Guest House.

Tuesday we explored Delhi both in terms of culture and handi-crafts. We found ourselves in many interesting situations. I always enjoy introducing people to the intricacies of India and Indian life. Several have spoken about the misconceptions they had before coming here.

The schedule has been busy. Today we pushed on to Nepal and have explored a little of what life is like here. We met as a group for the first time today to debrief with each other about the things we are experiencing. It was good.

Tomorrow will begin early as we go to the top of the first ridge of mountains to see the sun rise. It is a great trip. I trust our participants will find that it is worth the effort to make the early morning call to rise and shine.

Nepal is struggling with the shortage of supplies usually brought out of India. Trouble in other parts of Nepal has slowed down the arrival of commodities here in Nepal. I asked a guy in a line to get gasoline how long he had been in the line. He told me two hours!

I love being back here in my homeland. I enjoy opening the door for others to see and experience things here. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

More to come.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Follow our Bridge to Nepal Journey


Newark, NJ
Leave for non-stop flight to Delhi
Arrive in Delhi and lodge at YMCA
Intro to culture and adjusting

flight from Delhi to Katmandu and lodging
Exploring Katmandu and then on to Biratnagar
Orientation to our work and our hosts
a.m. services in Biratnagar and other activities
SPICE hostel activities

Trip to Karsia and SPICE hostel activities

SPICE hostel activities

SPICE hostel activities

Btg/Ktm/Del Travel day back to Delhi and activities in the evening
Final activities before departure

Depart India for the USA

Morning arrival in Newark and transport home

The best laid plans don't always materialize just as we may think and plan, but the Lord willing this is the schedule we trust to follow.

Pray particularly for the people in Nepal and the political distress they are having. We want the best for these people while we are travelling in their country and following.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My first blog

I have been reading about blogging and a number of my friends have been hard at it for a while. So here I am entering into the fray. The cyber world that we are part of is exciting. I speak to my friends on the other side of the world through my computer. I read the thoughts of others as I work through their many posts.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I was born in India. My parents were from the US. I have been part of these two countries all of my life and have had the opportunity to travel to many other places. I love an expanding world view. With this I love the fact that the world is getting smaller and smaller in terms of our ability to communicate.

I am a consultant by trade and love to come alongside people and groups and help them to accomplish the goals they have set for themselves.

I am married to Carol. The father of four children - Bryan, Billy, Steven and Julie. Bryan and Steven are married. Billy died as an infant. Julie is a beautiful young lady.

In life, we have had our share of problems, but overall we are truly blessed.

I am a Christian and I honor Jesus, the Christ, as my Lord and Savior.

There is much more, but this is a beginning.